66 Chapters of Isaiah

We have been going through the entire book of Isaiah and are now at chapter 45. It has been very enlightening as to what is happening in our world today.. If we take notice that history repeats itself we can assume that God will take vengeance upon those that have persecuted Israel. He used Cyrus to impose judgment upon Babylon and the Chaldeans and if anyone, even the U.S. turns against Israel or somehow forms some kind of relationship with Iran, America could be held accountable for causing harm to God’s people. We have certainly had administrations that are enemies of Israel with the present administration included. We must realize that the way that we vote for our leaders places each and every one of us responsible for the outcome of decisions that comes forth from Washington. When we lay our hand on the voting block we are to be held accountable for that politician’s evil decisions. Elections have consequences and each decision concerning abortion, CRT, transgender, and gay lifestyle being taught to our children will be judged and each voter will be held accountable for the vote that they cast for this Sodom and Gomorrah behavior. There is no such thing as indirect guilt when each and every one of these liberal leaders is pushing our school system into hopeless judgment as a result of the Sodomite teaching along with transgender and everything reprobate. I’m sorry but many church leaders and churchgoers will be in this category if they vote for the heathen to take over our country or any other country. The Bible says many will come to him on that day and say, Lord, Lord, did we not do all of these great things in your name and he will say depart from me you workers of iniquity.

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