In addition to the first page of sermon downloads
there are many more to come on page 2. Amos, Joel
Obadiah and soon the complete book of Isaiah. Don’t
miss any of these teachings. They are all important to understand
what is happening today. Even the book of Jonah has a wealth of information
regarding the coming judgement upon the world very soon.
Remember, the book of the Revelation tells us of what is to come upon this world
very soon. Stay tuned and come back soon. I am about to publish a third book with much
information concerning future events and what is happening right now. The Antichrist and his
body is forming before our eyes. As king Saul began his reign in the old testament, he was the first
Antichrist king. He started an Antichrist system that has bobbed it’s ugly head over
thousands of years. We are now entering into the last phase of this manifestation. More about this later.
Kevin Hansen