The final studies of Isaiah will be uploaded within a few weeks and as we review the final chapters we can learn that Isaiah wrote about Jesus hundreds of years before he came and fulfilled the prophesies that Isaiah wrote about him. He took our sins and sicknesses upon his body and not only that but shared what was going to happen in the one-thousand-year millennial period. where all killing and murder would be discontinued to the point that animals would not kill each other anymore and we would not be eating animals in the millennial period. There would be a restoration of total peace where nothing would killed or be eaten for food.. You may think this to be ridiculous but in the beginning, the meat of man was the seeds of the fields. God is well able to make plants taste delicious. God’s creatures were never made to kill for food or to kill each other. This may be the hardest fact for many of you to accept or to understand but when God says the lion will lay down with the lamp and will eat grass, he is not kidding us or stating false facts. It is the truth and we must accept in as God’s word and his way of restoring the original creation. God is well able to restore this world, regardless of how low Satan has brought it down to corruption.
Sincerely, Bro. Hansen.