It’s been a while since my last post. I have been very busy and with running the radio station it has been challenging to keep up this website. We have all been wondering where we are now in bible prophesy and now that some things are changing in the world very quickly, it seems like the Antichrist has been kept off for a short time. We will know more as time progresses, but it seems as though things have slowed down a bit and God is working in the hearts and lives of people, but I expect this to be very volatile for the next few months. The fires in CA. have been horrific, to say the least, and a test for all living there. You can see what liberal policies can do to a state where the people just refuse to vote for someone who is competent and knows how to maintain the state’s forest and water supply. I want to mention something now that may shock you. Satan is still working behind the lines and even though we do not see it as clearly as we have in the past it is very subtle and unknown to many. Churches are dissolving and those that remain, such as many so-called mega-churches are run by pastors who just continue to do whatever is necessary to keep them paying their tithes, whether it be wild music, jumping and hollering or some kind of motivational speaker such as Tony Robbins. On the other hand, some desire to be so righteous that self-righteousness exudes from them to the point of being sickening. The most moving for people to give their tithes is the prosperity message where pastors put some kind of guilt trip on the people and then tell them to give so that they will be rich. These are all heresies and false teachings that may or may not keep a person out of Heaven. The gospel never changes, it is first repentance, baptism, receiving the Holy Spirit within, and a death to the self-will to allow Christ to come in and live his life through you. Anything else is just something to get your money 9 times out of 10. I just uploaded many new sermons and to be honest, I need to hear from many of you, not for money but just to make sure that we are doing our utmost to reach people. Please let me know if you are still reading and listening and if the website truly is a blessing to you. Thank you for reading and participating, may God keep you in good health and strength to spread his word.
Till Next Time.
Bro. Hansen.