We shall soon find out if the Antichrist is taking over this country. The election will tell us whether people are giving themselves over to Satan or not. We have one chance to rectify this mistake that has been happening to our country. The abortion, transgender, and climate hoax will soon destroy every country in its way. If anyone stands in their way they will be removed. I just noticed that Bill Gates gave the Harris campaign 50 million dollars to lie about what they would do. All that has to be done now is for good men and women to vote for this Antichrist administration and the Antichrist Kamala Harris into office and we will get exactly what we deserve. Lies, climate hoax taxes, and eliminating efficient gas vehicles in exchange for useless EVs that will leave you walking very soon. This will be the telling factor of the world. The world depends upon the U.S. for guidance, and we have led them to Hell in the last 4 years. You cannot call yourself a Christian and vote for Kamala Harris, there is no way to masquerade as a believer and support this Antichrist regime. I don’t care if you pastor a megachurch or who you think you are. If your pastor is telling you to vote for Harris, get up and walk out. If your so-called friends support Harris, abandon them, there is no compromising with the devil. This administration of abortion and transgender and open borders will soon destroy America if they are not voted out completely. Sorry to say this is our last chance to correct the helm of America.
Till next time, Bro. Hansen.