Antichrist Watch-2-25-25

I just uploaded new studies on the book of Isaiah. We are plowing through the book for about the 10th time but it never gets old. I hope you enjoy it. It tells us how God knows no other gods and he is the only self-existing one. Concerning the manifestation of the Antichrist, he is hiding himself right now waiting to come out in another form but don’t think that he will not attempt his takeover, he will very soon if given the chance. Maybe Europe will be his target area now with their weak leadership and woke character. He will keep going until he gets a stranglehold on 2 or 3 nations then the rest will come into his fold. He does not give up easily. We may have some time, considering how the Antichrist agenda was rejected here in America but don’t fall asleep like many do but always be ready to go up with the rapture. That blasting trumpet sound may come at any time or day. Always be looking for him. Receive him now if you haven’t. We never know when God is done with the earth as we know it and ready to pour out his wrath as indicated in the book of the revelation. No man knows the day or the hour but we do know the seasons and we have a general idea of what’s going on. I feel like the world is a ticking time bomb ready to go off at any time. I really don’t know what it is but something big is about to happen. Pray for Israel and pray for the Christians that are getting persecuted in other countries. They do need prayer.

Until next time, God be with you. Bro. Hansen.

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