New free sermon downloads
I just uploaded 11 new sermons on First Corinthians. I do hope that you listen, download and enjoy but most of all learn more about the Bible. Let me know your comments and God bless you.
I just uploaded 11 new sermons on First Corinthians. I do hope that you listen, download and enjoy but most of all learn more about the Bible. Let me know your comments and God bless you.
Be sure and check out our new messages. There are more added to Ephesians and some others from the book of John. You can download each one or listen to them live. I have a new book coming out soon. Be sure and check out The Revelation of The Antichrist, The False Prophet and the …
You can now find the new sermons on the book of Ephesians. I have over a thousand sermons that I could share with you but I find that the newer revelation is embedded in the newer messages. The older messages may have been very good and more elementary for those that are not ready for …
New revelation on the book of Ephesians. 7 lessons added. Read More »
You will notice that all of our sermons are free to download and use at your leisure. The sermons on Ephesians and first Corinthians are the first ones to be uploaded. I will also be uploading a complete study on the book of Enoch. This will be especially interesting if you have studied the Nephilim …