Much of Christendom has been hijacked by big money, popularity, prosperity, and bling. bling. You could say that nothing has changed, Jesus mentioned that the Pharisees would sew additional decor on their clothing to indicate how important they were. I just heard of a pastor or in this case (Bishop) who was robbed of one million dollars in jewelry during a service. Must I say any more about this? It really speaks for itself. The sad thing is that a lot of churches, pastors, and so-called representatives of Christ operate on the same principles. In my humble opinion, every church should start some kind of school substitute in order to eliminate the indoctrination of our children with devils doctrines of CRT, and Sodomite practices. Sodom and Gomorrah were used as a reference for judgment throughout the bible and either you believe it or you don’t but we will all stand before the judgment seat of Christ. very soon. Hopefully, we will all stand with the blood of Christ covering us and not our own righteousness. John the Baptist was a perfect example of the greatest prophet that has ever lived and he did not preach prosperity or being all you can be but he preached the same message from the first prophets Enoch and Noah, and that was repentance. but now we have to dress up the gospel with all kinds of prosperity and glamor in order to gain offerings.. John the Baptist was not by any means preaching prosperity down by the river, while he was consuming locust and wild honey and wearing camel’s hair. It makes me wonder who would recognize Christ if her came into modern-day churches today and sit down next to these very important people. I believe in one thing, and that is that humility separates true Christianity from make-believers. You see self-righteousness many times masquerades as Christianity. May God Bless you until next time. Bro. Hansen.