We just finished and uploaded the final studies in the book of Isaiah on the website. Now a new study will begin in the book of Proverbs. If we do not pursue wisdom we will be very misguided in life. Wisdom is more precious than gold or silver as Solomon tried to tell us in this book. Wisdom is different than having knowledge. It is the act of knowing how to apply knowledge and not only that I will add one more important aspect to wisdom, and that is knowing when to put it into action. Application of knowledge is probably the most useful element in having the wisdom to do so. We can be intelligent and full of knowledge but if we do not have the wisdom to apply or energize our knowledge, all that we have is useless book learning that never has the feet to move out of its tracks. Perhaps we will learn more in the book of Proverbs concerning practical living than in any other book in the bible. The Bible says he makes wise the simple. We all need to learn to be simple and not arrogant and haughty. God can teach those who do not know it all. If you know everything maybe you should be the creator of the Heavens and the earth. Solomon received this supernatural wisdom directly from God and he cared enough to share it with us. Stay tuned to learn from this wisdom that will change your life. Thank you for reading and may God give you enriching wisdom.
Bro. Hansen