I just uploaded 7 more studies on the book of Ezekial. When is the last time you heard the book of Ezekial
taught in your church? Now is the time to learn new things. The new year is here and now we go from faith
to faith and glory to glory. Don’t be in the dark concerning the book of Ezekial. Many won’t attempt this
book but we will learn by the Holy Spirit. Remember, God never changes, man does but God does not.
The prophecies of Ezekial are for today and we are living in fulfilled prophesy. Please check it out, it’s all free
and at no charge. Just give us a comment and leave us your testimony. I have three books on Amazon. If you
Have no money to buy them, I will send them to you for free. Just let me know. The title to the first one is
The Revelation of the Antichrist, The False Prophet, and the Opening of the Book of Daniel, the second
is Satan and the Watchers, and the third is Unrecognized God, Unrecognized Satan. Please check them all out if you
rea;;y desire to know what is to come in the future. Thanks for reading.
Kevin Hansen