I just uploaded several teachings on 1st. John, Titus, Timothy, and others describe the coming of the Antichrist. I try to insert scriptures to hint at how the Antichrist is coming and manifesting himself in our country today. The climate change cult is alive and well doing the work of the Antichrist making complete spastics out of those who subscribe to this hoax and lie. Electric cars are nothing more than objects that disable people from transportation. Eventually, you will need a battery that is not practical to purchase or cost-effective to complete the repair. You will be walking or riding a bicycle. If any of those ignoramuses in Wa.DC think that they can replace fossil fuels efficiently they are dreaming of a lost land. Nothing at this time can replace fossil fuels in our military or our transportation industry. The only encouragement will come from the Antichrist body because this will be a perfect way to control the lives of people in the near future. Abortion now is encouraged to become military-ready. This will not bring forth military readiness at all, it will only bring forth judgment and defeat. The slaughter of innocent life will bring forth a curse of defeat that this country has never known. This administration is bringing forth collateral damage to all inhabitants of the country. The Antichrist Biden administration is forming before our eyes and is manifesting himself as a strong man that can perform miracles before the eyes of the people. I hope that you are up to date on your scriptures so that you can understand what I am trying to say to you. Until next time. May God richly bless you and keep you.
Bro. Hansen