The Antichrist is beginning to manifest himself like never before. We can see it in the school system how the teachers have become indoctrinators and educators in the gay lifestyle and transgender. This was one of the prophecies written in the book, The Revelation of the Antichrist, the False Prophet, and the opening of the book of Daniel. It is a free book in the Kindle format on Amazon. I urge you to read it to get familiar with how the Antichrist will manifest himself. I did not receive this book from a man but from the Holy Spirit. To my knowledge, there are no books that explain the Antichrist and his formation. If there are books written, they would have to get their information directly from God. If you would genuinely like to learn about the days ahead, read this book. I am not urging you to get it because I make money on it or anything, because it is free right now and It is a good time to take advantage of it. I would rather you get it free than pay for it. There will come a time in this country when the bible will be considered hate speech because of Paul’s teachings and the references to Sodom and Gomorrah as being deadly sin cities because of the perversion taking place. The link to get the book free is below. I hope that all that read it will become saved and receive the Lord Jesus as their Savior and Lord.. I just uploaded 7 more studies on the names of the bible. All of them are very important to learn the history and the information attached to each one. Take advantage of these studies. They are all free and have absolutely no obligation whatsoever. Thank you for reading,
Bro. Hansen